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About Us

What We Do

Iowans are already benefiting from reliable, affordable, and clean renewable energy, and we lead the nation in wind power. As solar energy generation grows in Iowa, the benefits of renewable energy can be shared by greater numbers of Iowans. At Bright Future Iowa, we help more Iowans understand the benefits these projects provide to our state, our communities, and our farmers. Renewable energy is a stable source of revenue and economic growth. Bright Future Iowa is supported by NextEra Energy Resources.



Swati Dandekar

Swati Dandekar is a former Ambassador, state utility regulator, and state legislator – and now an advocate for the growth of renewable energy in Iowa as Chairperson of Bright Future Iowa. 


Gentry Collins

Gentry Collins is the co-founder of Bright Future Iowa. He has a long history of bringing people together to solve issues, a role he continues to play as co-founder of Bright Future Iowa.

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