Iowans Support Renewable Energy!
Renewables provide clean, affordable energy, bring millions in private economic investment to Iowa, helping local economies and farmers, while bringing in new businesses and jobs.
“Access to renewable energy …is a key part of a company’s decision-making process on where to

“I believe renewable energy is a part of the future for rural counties.”

“Sustainable solar farms will help bring 21st century jobs for our community.”

“By tapping into solar energy sources, Iowa can draw incredible investment opportunities. These investments power Iowa small town economies.”

“We’re not full-time farmers. So, when we inherited the farm from our mom, leasing a small corner to solar was the only way to keep it in our family.”

"Wind is a critical part of our nation’s all of the above energy strategy. It creates thousands of jobs, supports economic development, boosts tax receipts, attracts investment in our state and puts extra money in farmers’ pockets.”

“It is really so great. Iowa is leading the way…with our renewables. We receive so much of our electricity from wind turbines, and now we see more solar, and, of course, with renewable fuels. It is pretty remarkable for a state to be able to cover so many different avenues of sustainable energy.”