Will You Help Protect Renee’s Right to Save Her Family Farm?
Renee Potts’ Mom and Dad purchased a farm near Palo after her dad left the Navy. For many happy years it was home to the Potts family. “One of the things my mom was proudest of was getting the farm,” Renee says. “It’s very important we keep it not only for us but for future generations. So the farm can stay on for us.”
Renee and her siblings all have careers, making it difficult for them to keep the family farm when they inherit it. Leasing a small corner of their land to the potential Duane Arnold Solar Farm provides the family with the financial stability to keep their parents’ legacy in the family.
“It’s our right to keep it in the family. Solar enables us to do that. Not only for us, but for future generations.”
If the Linn County Board of Supervisors reject Duane Arnold Solar Farm, the Potts could lose it all.